QRS 2016 Workshop Proposal Submission

Potential workshop organizers should submit a proposal to Professor Gordon Fraser and Professor Eric Wong that includes the name, affiliation, email and post address, telephone and fax numbers, and a brief bio of each organizer. The proposal should also discuss the following aspects of the workshop:

  • Expected length (half day or one day)
  • Scope and structure
  • List of program committee members
  • Paper solicitation, review, and selection
  • Target attendees and recruitment
  • Expected number of participants
  • History of past workshops
  • Link to preliminary website of the workshop with a CFP posted

The maximum length of each proposal is five (5) pages in the typical IEEE 2-column format.

QRS 2016 co-Located Workshops (Listed in alphabetical order)

All the workshops will be held concurrently with the main conference.

  CRE: IEEE International Workshop on Cyber Resilience Economics
      Nick Multari (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
      Jeffrey Picciotto (MITRE, USA)
      Click here to submit your papers to CRE 2016

  HASQ: IEEE International Workshop on Human and Social Aspects of Software
      Ziyuan Wang (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
      Jifeng Xuan (Wuhan University, China)
      Xiaolin Ju (Nantong University, China)
      Click here to submit your papers to HASQ 2016

  HSCD: IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Software Co-Design
      Yixiang Chen (East China Normal University, China)
      Robert De Simone (INRIA, France)
      Donghui Guo (Xiamen University, China)
      Click here to submit your papers to HSCD 2016

  IA: IEEE International Workshop on Information Assurance
      Shih-Kun Huang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
      Click here to submit your papers to IA 2016

  IWSC: IEEE International Workshop on Software Cybernetics
      Hongji Yang (Bath Spa University, UK)
      Feng Chen (De Montfort University, UK)
      Click here to submit your papers to IWSC 2016

  MVV: IEEE International Workshop on Model-Based Verification & Validation
      Tugkan Tuglular (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)
      Fevzi Belli (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)
      Click here to submit your papers to MVV 2016

  SEKM: IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering and Knowledge       Management
      Jing Tian (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
      Jianwen Xiang (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
      Click here to submit your papers to SEKM 2016

  SSCPS: IEEE International Workshop on Safety and Security in
      Cyber-Physical Systems
      Yanjun Wen (National University of Defense Technology, China)
      Yunwei Dong (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
      Click here to submit your papers to SSCPS 2016

  TC: IEEE International Workshop on Trustworthy Computing
      Fu-Hau Hsu (National Central University, Taiwan)
      Yu-Sung Wu (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
      Click here to submit your papers to TC 2016

  VVASS: IEEE International Workshop on Verification and Validation of
      Adaptive Software Systems
      Bernhard Peischl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
      Benedikt Eberhardinger (University of Augsburg, Germany)
      Click here to submit your papers to VVASS 2016
