Workshop on Trustworthy Computing

In conjunction with QRS 2016
Vienna, Austria, August 1-3, 2016

Trustworthy Computing (TC) aims at providing secure, private, and reliable computing experiences in a world where computing has become a necessity for many aspects of life. While decades have passed since the concept of trustworthy computing was introduced for military, financial, and public safety related computing systems, trustworthy computing still remains one of the key issues in the design and operation of computing systems nowadays. The ever-growing complexity of computing systems, the shift of trust to a third-party cloud service provider, and the widespread use of computing devices have made it much more difficult to implement trustworthy computing. In view of the challenges, the TC workshop is formed in conjunction with QRS 2016 to call for innovative work on the design and application of trustworthy computing. Reviews and case studies which address state-of-art research and state-of-practice industry experiences are also welcomed.

Topics of Interest

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates

Submission Deadline April 29, 2016 (Extended)
Author Notification May 25, 2016

Workshop Chairs

Fu-Hau Hsu National Central University
Yu-Sung Wu National Chiao-Tung University

Information for Authors and General Inquiries

Submit original papers (not published or submitted elsewhere) with a maximum of eight pages. Include the title of the paper, the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. The format of your submission must follow the IEEE conference proceedings format.

For submission information, please refer to submission link. For other questions, please contact Workshop Co-Chairs Fu-Hau Hsu at [email protected] or Yu-Sung Wu at [email protected].

Click here to submit your papers to TC'2016.

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