Best Paper Award

At least one award will be presented by QRS 2016. Authors will receive a certificate signed by the President of the IEEE Reliability Society and also a cash prize (depending on the conference budget).

Best Papers for QRS 2016

  • DFL: Dual-service Fault Localization
    C. M. Tang, Jacky Keung, Y. T. Yu, and W. K. Chan

  • Detecting and Preventing Program Inconsistencies Under Database Schema Evolution
    Loup Meurice, Csaba Nagy, and Anthony Cleve

  • Leveraging Static Analysis Tools for Improving Usability of Memory Error Sanitization Compilers
    Rigel Gjomemo, Phu H. Phung, Edmund Ballou, Kedar Namjoshi, V.N. Venkatakrishnan, and Lenore Zuck
