Keynote Speakers for QRS 2016

The Sound of Data: Make Great Software!
   Dr. Thomas Zimmermann
   Senior Researcher, Research in Software Engineering (RiSE)
   Microsoft Research, USA
   (Monday, August 1, 2016)  [more...][slides]

Networks of ‘Things’
   Dr. Jeffrey Voas
   Computer Scientist
   National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
   (Monday, August 1, 2016)  [more...][slides]

Automated Software Transplantation
   Professor Mark Harman
   Director, CREST Center
   Head, Software Systems Engineering Group
   University College London, UK
   (Tuesday, August 2, 2016)  [more...][slides]

Cross-disciplinary Modeling - the Good, the Bad, and
   the Ugly

   Professor Gerti Kappel
   Head, Business Informatics Group
   Vienna University of Technology, Austria
   (Tuesday, August 2, 2016)  [more...][slides]

New Threat Models for Cryptography
   Professor Bart Preneel
   Head, COSIC Research Group
   Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
   (Wednesday, August 3, 2016)  [more...][slides]

Even the Very Wise Cannot See All Ends: Many Facets
   of the Test Oracle Problem

   Professor T.H. Tse
   The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
   (Wednesday, August 3, 2016)  [more...][slides]

Invited Speaker by SSCPS Workshop

Software Reliability Engineering Practice in the
   Development of Embedded RTOS

   Dr. Wei Han
   Software Chief Researcher
   The Aeronautic Computing Technique Institute of
   Aviation Industries of China (AVIC), China  [more...][slides]

Invited Speaker by VVASS Workshop

Towards Cyber-Physical-Social Systems – Towards a
   New Paradigm for Elastic Distributed Systems

   Professor Schahram Dustdar
   Head, Distributed Systems Group
   Vienna University of Technology, Austria  [more...][slides]

Panel by CRE Workshop

Achieving Defensive Asymmetrical Advantage via Technical,
   Policy, and Organizational Means

   Dr. Paul Nielsen, Director, CMU/SEI
   Mr. Bob Cowles, former CISO, SLAC Accelerator National Lab
   Dr. George Sharkov, Coordinator, Cybersecurity for the
   Bulgarian Government
   Dr. Rolf Reinema, Head, IT-Security, Siemens
   [more...] [slides-1] [slides-2] [slides-3] [slides-4]

In 2015, the SERE conference (IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability) and the QSIC conference (IEEE International Conference on Quality Software) were combined into a single conference, QRS, with Q representing Quality, R for Reliability, and S for Security, sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society. This conference provides engineers and scientists from both industry and academia a platform to present their ongoing work, relate their research outcomes and experiences, and discuss the best and most efficient techniques for the development of reliable, secure, and trustworthy systems. It also represents an excellent opportunity for the academic community to become more aware of subject areas critical to the software industry as practitioners bring their needs to the table. The 2016 QRS conference will be held from August 1st to 3rd in Vienna, Austria.

Topic of Interest

  Reliability, Security, Availability, and Safety of Software Systems
  Software Testing, Verification and Validation
  Program Debugging and Comprehension
  Information and Software Assurance
  Fault Tolerance for Software Reliability Improvement
  Modeling, Prediction, Simulation, and Evaluation
  Metrics, Measurements, and Analysis
  Secure and Reliable Storage
  Software Penetration and Protection
  Software Vulnerabilities
  Formal Methods
  Malware Detection and Analysis
  Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  Operating System Security and Reliability
  Mobile and Smartphone Applications
  Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
  Information and Knowledge Management
  Benchmark, tools, and Empirical Studies